Hello there. My name is Oda Sonju, I'm a uk based artist and illustrator. Below you'll find examples of my latest work as well as little things in life that inspire me. Enjoy! And if you have any questions, or if you like what you see and would like to commission me for any creative purpose at all, don't hesitate to email me at:


All illustrations copyright C 2014 - Oda Sonju
All Rights Reserved

Monday, 3 December 2012

I've recently done some logo and branding development for a brilliant new salon in Exeter called ELK founded by my two beautiful friends and talented hairdressers (/hair-artists) Ellie and Kate. 
Not only does their new place look great, elegantly merging sleek and earthy / industrial and comfortable / shabby and chic, but their salon also promises to soon become a buzzing creative hub. Their ethos is 'more than a haircut' - their walls will feature work from local artists, tunes from local musicians will be playing and you can even grab fair-trade coffee and order in lunch from the Real Food Company (which lies directly opposite the salon) to enjoy whilst you're waiting for your highlights to develop

I'll post further pictures asap (now that they are open)

meanwhile, check out and like their Facebook page: