Hello there. My name is Oda Sonju, I'm a uk based artist and illustrator. Below you'll find examples of my latest work as well as little things in life that inspire me. Enjoy! And if you have any questions, or if you like what you see and would like to commission me for any creative purpose at all, don't hesitate to email me at:


All illustrations copyright C 2014 - Oda Sonju
All Rights Reserved

Monday, 3 December 2012

I've recently done some logo and branding development for a brilliant new salon in Exeter called ELK founded by my two beautiful friends and talented hairdressers (/hair-artists) Ellie and Kate. 
Not only does their new place look great, elegantly merging sleek and earthy / industrial and comfortable / shabby and chic, but their salon also promises to soon become a buzzing creative hub. Their ethos is 'more than a haircut' - their walls will feature work from local artists, tunes from local musicians will be playing and you can even grab fair-trade coffee and order in lunch from the Real Food Company (which lies directly opposite the salon) to enjoy whilst you're waiting for your highlights to develop

I'll post further pictures asap (now that they are open)

meanwhile, check out and like their Facebook page:

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

I love creating large detailed images out of patterns and I've been very inspired by Henna designs since visiting Indonesia this summer! The above is the beginning of a series of drawings I'm in the middle of producing using Henna patterns and random, decorative lines and swirls :)

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Couch Puppy

A fun little logo I conjured up for my boss at Dynamo, inspired by his little fluff-ball of a puppy and her lazy sofa-slouching lifestyle!


What if a blueberry was left to go all mouldy and icky, and then grew arms and legs and 'rose from the dead'?...not very likely...but IF it happened, it would be a blueZOMBerry and might look a little like this:

Monday, 19 November 2012

Fizz and Foxy

New characters on the block!

These guys have been in my head for about a year, it's time they were unleashed upon the world. I have been doing a few character sketches in order to figure out how they look, move, behave etc...but at the same time I'm writing and creating their story so hopefully they'll soon be placed within a visual narrative depicting their adventures together...watch this space!


A beautiful World with Pukka and WWF

A few months back I was contacted by Brighton-based Neo advertising agency and asked to create some illustrations for the awesome herbal tea company Pukka, who were celebrating their 10 year anniversary and helping support WWF by brewing up a lovely new tea alongside a campaign named 'A Beautiful World'.

The campaign aims to celebrate the natural world in which Pukka grow the herbs for their eclectic range of teas and to raise awareness of the efforts made to conserve our beautiful world! Every year Pukka plant more than 20 millions plants and trees, and invest in renewable energy, sustainable projects and reforestation programmes. The partnership with WWF - UK is designed to raise more than £50,000 for the charity's global projects!

I was honoured to be involved in this project and massively enjoyed making what essentially was a large scale doodle pattern inspired by the Pukkapedia and the beauty of nature, which was then chopped and moved around and animated in order to create the backdrop for the campaign's microsite!

Please check out the site and support the campaign at: 

also find out more about the project by following this link:

...and don't forget to look out for the specially designed tea in your local supermarket!

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Shooter girl game character

Recieved a cool little character design brief from Dynamo - reinvent a character from an online game. Here goes:

and the coloured version:
 ...that was fun :)

Monday, 19 March 2012

Quick colour practise...Been experimenting with colour-roughing and painting quickly! Still playing a little safe, but it's fun to see things appear fast on the page! :)

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Quick doodle time

Long time, no blog! Dynamo is keeping me busy with lots of projects...not really allowed to upload most of that yet though!
I do get a bit of spare time to do some doodles now and again, I just need to become better at uploading them!! This sketch started when my good friend Faye Simms complained about not being very good at painting ears (she is, she's just overly critical), as we were sat working together late last night. I started drawing an ear, agreeing that they are rather tricky to get right. Then I attached a face to the ear and then the face started sprouting a lot of mad hair, and turned into this :) A fun half-hours distraction from all those goblins and fairies I've been drawing recently!