Hello there. My name is Oda Sonju, I'm a uk based artist and illustrator. Below you'll find examples of my latest work as well as little things in life that inspire me. Enjoy! And if you have any questions, or if you like what you see and would like to commission me for any creative purpose at all, don't hesitate to email me at:


All illustrations copyright C 2014 - Oda Sonju
All Rights Reserved

Saturday 15 February 2014


A couple of years ago I did some artwork for a new book series that came to me through my brilliant studio Dynamo, although nothing came of it in the end. Because I massively enjoyed creating the artwork I thought I'd share some of it here :)

I really liked the first cover sketch above, but the client preferred to show the back of Sherman, the main character, looking shocked to see his new classmates in front of him, standing at the entrance of the school, so the sketch and final version below was what we went with in the end.

Looking back I can see that my painting skills have improved a lot since this project!
 It was fun though, shame nothing came of it because the concept was great and it would have been a fab story to illustrate!
(If anyone is interested, definitely contact Steve Richards from Dynamo as I'm sure it would be super popular - there'd be loads of kids that would get so much enjoyment out of these books!)


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